European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Engaged entrepreneurship research in Europe

ECSB Conference Goes Online

Presenting one’s research and receiving feedback on it is important for advancing in research. The ECSB organizes annually two conferences – the RENT Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business together with EIASM and the 3E – ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference. However, we understand that attending conferences in person is not always an option for all. For this reason, ECSB launches a new initiative – ECSB Conference Goes Online. The first edition will be held on February 12th, 2025. 

ECSB Goes Online Conference Programme 12 February 2025 at 13.00-16.30 (CET)

13.00 Conference opening (moderator Professor Ulla Hytti, University of Turku, Finland)

  • Welcome by ECSB President, Associate Professor Agnieszka Kurczewska, University of Lodz, Poland
  • Keynote by Professor Robert Blackburn, University of Liverpool Management School, UK: “Young People & Entrepreneurship: precarious futures or routes to fulfilment?”

*short 5 min break*

14.00 Parallel sessions

Sustainable entrepreneurship

Chair: Sílvia Costa

Digital entrepreneurship

Chair: Pierluigi Rippa


Between connecting the dots and setting an agenda – using dual strategies to influence sustainable transformation in
entrepreneurial ecosystems

Authors: Verena Meyer, Katharina Scheidgen, Lillan Lommel & Sarah Stanske

Digitalization as a powerful External Enabler for Nascent Teenage Entrepreneurs

Author: Christel Tessier-Dargent


The Role of Cognitive Dissonance and Policy Interventions in Shaping Sustainable Entrepreneurial Behavior

Authors: Nicolas Noak, Silke Tegtmeier, Sílvia Costa & Arjan Frederiks

Entrepreneurial Digital Identity Formation of Influencers as Social Media Entrepreneurs

Author: Hongmei Sziegat

*15-minute break*

15.15 Parallel sessions continue

Entrepreneurship Education

Chair: Gustav Hägg

Transnational entrepreneurship

Chair: Mirela Xheneti


Improvisational Theater – An Updated Approach for Teaching Effectuation?

Authors: Cynthia Maria Katharina Zabel, Sophia Marie Braun & René Mauer

The analysis of Chinese post-90 generation transnational entrepreneurship journey in the UK – In context of emerging digital media platform

Author: Yi Wu


Tailoring Scaffolding to Entrepreneurial Mindset Profiles A Dynamic Approach to Fostering Entrepreneurial Development in Education

Authors: Jeroen Loef & Aard J. Groen

Leveraging social networks: The role of non-economic support between local and transnational entrepreneurs

Authors: Nadia Mahou, Hongmei Sziegat & Qiqi Wang

16.15 Closing of the first ECSB Goes Online conference


Participation is free for existing ECSB members, but registration is required by 9 February 2025. Your membership will be verified in advance. Accepted participants will receive a Zoom link to join the conference one day before the event.  


If you have any questions, please contact the ECSB Secretariat at