European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Engaged entrepreneurship research in Europe

ECSB Webinar by SocChange SIG – “Entrepreneurship and Social Change”


We are thrilled to invite you to the first webinar of the ECSB SocChange SIG in which we discuss how we frame entrepreneurship for social change, and for whom and with what effects. We will further evaluate the potential of entrepreneurship for creating change for individuals, communities, and society with its transformative power that can […]

ECSB Conference Goes Online


ECSB is launching a new initiative - ECSB Conference Goes Online! Why? Presenting one’s research and receiving feedback on it is important for advancing in our research. However, attending conferences in person is not always an option for all. For this reason, ECSB launches a new initiative – ECSB Conference Goes Online. The first edition […]

3E 2025 Conference

HM Munich University of Applied Sciences Campus Lothstraße Lothstraße 35, Munich, Germany

We invite you to join the next 3E Conference in Munich on 21-23 May 2025 under the following theme: Responsible, Systemic, Democratic: New trajectories in entrepreneurship education In line with transformations towards sustainable-entrepreneurial universities (Cai, Ahmad 2022) Entrepreneurship Education (EE) sees itself radically changing and adapting to the new global, environmental and institutional requirements of […]


Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration Univerzitní náměstí 1934/3, Karviná, Czech Republic

The International Conference on Decision-Making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (DEMSME) is a meeting of professionals from universities and businesses interested in the theory and applications of decisionmaking research using informatics, mathematics, business economics and management, and marketing approaches in the practice of SMEs. Participants are invited to submit a paper concerning one or more […]

8th Paper Development Seminar (8PDS)

University of Seville, Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences Av. Ramón y Cajal 1, Seville, Spain

The 8th Paper Development Seminar (8PDS) on entrepreneurship process research will be held in Seville next June. Profs. Paul Jones, Miruna Radu-Lefebvre, Martin Obschonka, Susana C. Santos, and Eric Liguori will be the guest speakers. All of them have extensive editorial experience in some of the world's best journals in entrepreneurship, such as: Entrepreneurship & […]