Focus on Career Development
ECSB offers plenty of activities and products to help developing the careers of its members. You can get familiar with our offers by clicking on the items below.

ECSB Doctoral Workshop
ECSB offers young scholars an exclusive Doctoral Workshop which has a long successful tradition. Top scholars in our field offer unique insights for doctoral students into how your work can be improved and progressed as well as an opportunity for bouncing ideas off experienced faculty. The ECSB Doctoral Workshop is truly a meeting place for both new and experienced researchers from all over Europe and an ideal place to start networking. We particularly encourage students in the early stages of their research to participate as a way of launching themselves into the international research community.
ECSB Mid-Career Faculty Consortium
The held during the RENT conference each year features a panel of distinguished faculty and provides a unique setting to network and to discuss professional challenges, problems, and opportunities facing faculty advancing into their associate and early full professor years. Members who have at least 5 years of academic experience and are wondering about the next steps in their career or are at a crossroads in your career are particularly welcome.
ECSB Research Fund
ECSB offers its members an opportunity to apply for the ECSB Event Fund. The fund provides financial support to organize or host a seminar, workshop, colloquium, policy forum or other relevant ECSB supported event and to enable the advancement of research through workshops or conferences, or visits by or to partner scholars.
ECSB Post-Doctoral Paper Development Workshop
The ECSB Post-Doctoral Paper Development Workshop is a unique opportunity for early-career researchers to effectively advance their research projects. There are two parts. First, a face-to-face event that takes place on the RENT pre-conference day. It starts with a roundtable discussion on the challenges in getting published, in building up a research portfolio and in combining teaching and research. Participants then break out in small groups where their paper is discussed by senior researchers and peers in the group. The second part is an on-line follow-up that has some additional rounds of review (with peers and seniors) aimed at helping to develop a working paper into a submission ready for referred, high quality journals.
ECSB Webinars
The ECSB Webinar Series aims to support our members’ professional development by giving them an opportunity to virtually engage with top scholars in various areas of entrepreneurship research. Topics chosen for the webinars are diverse to reflect the research interests in our membership base but also their different career stages. As part of the Webinar Series, 4-6 webinars are organised every year. Participation is free for all our members but registration is required.
ECSB Career Mentoring
The ECSB Career Mentoring is aimed at early and mid-career researchers. In the ECSB Career Mentoring Programme, we help researchers navigate their career challenges by having experienced researchers and professors advise you on your personal career development for six months. A mentor supports you by listening to you, discussing your personal goals with you, providing encouragement, information and contacts. Mentoring can assist you in assessing your experiences and achievements and considering your future options and choices.
Publishing Opportunities
Each year a collection of best papers from the annual RENT Conference are published in the ECSB Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research (RENT Anthologies, Edward Elgar). ECSB also tries to strengthen the cooperation with internationally recognized journals and to offer attendants of ECSB conferences opportunities to publish in special issues.
ECSB Professional Development Workshops (PDWs)
Our Professional Development Workshops (PDWs) are innovative and interactive, and are developed by our members to share knowledge and expertise and foster your practical, professional and intellectual skills. PDWs have a focused theme and target group as well as deliver a high level of learning and give you some clear ‘take-aways’.
Case Studies for Entrepreneurship Training
The European Entrepreneurship Case Study Resource Centre (EECSRC) was established as part of a European Commission Call for Proposals entitled ‘Entrepreneurial Culture of Young People, and Entrepreneurship Education’. Members have access to the full EECSRC collection of 61 teaching cases with teaching notes also available on request for a large number of cases.
ECSB Special Interest Groups
The ECSB Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are fora for ECSB members who share an interest in the same topic. They offer an exclusive opportunity to exchange research topics, projects and results with like-minded scholars contributing to that area. The focused community invites to intense collaboration and feedback.
ECSB Career Service
ECSB aims to offer useful services to its members looking for job vacancies, collaborators to start a new project or any academic experts in entrepreneurship & small business. Institutions or individual members interested in participating send job information and the ECSB Secretariat disseminates announcements through its communication channels.
ECSB Research Blog
The ECSB Research Blog disseminates and demonstrates the impact of our members’ research. The Blog provides an outlet for short, interesting, current, and thought-provoking content on research outputs and findings. The Blog is intended to inform, educate and enlighten readers with evidence of how current research in entrepreneurship and small business is having an impact. The Blog is a free publishing forum for all ECSB members. If you are interested in publishing in the Blog, please send your content to All content will be reviewed before acceptance.