from International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
The special issue calls for theoretical, conceptual and empirical contributions investigating the role of dynamic entrepreneurial learning process as happening in different entrepreneurial context of knowledge intensive enterprises. Questions of interest include, but are not limited to:
- What are the organizational factors supporting the development of entrepreneurial learning for the renewal of a knowledge intensive enterprise?
- What are the types of entrepreneurial learning that take place at individual and/or collective level in knowledge intensive enterprises?
- How does learning take place in knowledge intensive enterprises through employees’ engagement in relation to entrepreneurial activities?
- What are the organizational conditions promoting or hampering entrepreneurial learning?
- What kind of entrepreneurial learning processes are more relevant in the different phases of entrepreneurial development (design, launch, and growth of new venture) in a knowledge intensive enterprise?
- How could the interactions between businesses and universities support the development of entrepreneurial learning for the incubation of knowledge intensive businesses?
Paper Submission deadline: December 15, 2015
Papers reviewed: March 30, 2016
Revised papers reviewed and accepted: June 30, 2016
Final versions of accepted papers: July 30, 2016
Expected publications: November, 2016
Authors interested in submitting a paper are asked to send an abstract to the guest editors Giustina Secundo, Giovanni Schiuma and Giuseppina Passiante at the address,, to check the paper relevance and suitability for the call. Abstracts can be submitted at any time by December 15th, 2015.
Papers should be submitted via the journal’s online submission system available through the journal homepage: or directly via: choosing ‘‘ENTREPRENEURIAL LEARNING DYNAMICS IN KNOWLEDGE INTENSIVE ENTERPRISES” as the article type from the drop down menu. All papers must follow the guidelines outlined by the journal for submission.
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