European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Engaged entrepreneurship research in Europe

Online Learning Excellence (OLE) Training

If you are working with today’s youth in universities around the world, you understand the importance of incorporating online tools in your pedagogy. The Online Learning Excellence (OLE) Initiative is designed to bring online education’s early adopters to you for a crash course in online learning.

Learn firsthand, educator-to-educator, how to identify and tailor the best possible learning tools and exercises for specific online learning objectives. Presenters will share best practice from real courses and show you how to make online experiential learning more than just a collection of activities.

Program Outputs

1. New Online Tools to Use in the Classroom
2. Outline for a New Online or Hybrid Course
3. Assessment Tools for Online Assignment


The Online Learning Excellence (OLE) Program is a comprehensive, memorable, and high impact learning entrepreneurship course.


Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy, Associate Professor at The George Washington University (GWU) and Executive Director of International Council for Small Business (ICSB)

Dr. Jeffrey Alves, President of International Council for Small Business (ICSB) and Dean of Sidhu School of Business at Wilkes University

Dr. Tony Mendes, President of USASBE and Clinical Professor and Director of the Murphy Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of North Texas

Dr. Geoff Archer, Associate Professor at Royal Roads University (Canada), Director of the Eric C. Douglass Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies and Faculty Advisor for Royal Roads’ Chapter of Enactus

Dr. Katia Passerini, Professor and the Hurlburt Chair of Management Information Systems at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

Next Workshop

2014 ICSB World Conference

Date: June 13, 2014
Time: TBA
Location: Double Tree by Hilton Dublin on the Burlington Road (formerly The Burlington Hotel)

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