European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Engaged entrepreneurship research in Europe

Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM)

The primary purpose of the Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM) is to publish scholarly research articles in the fields of small business management and entrepreneurship. As the official journal of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), the JSBM is recognized as a primary instrument for projecting and supporting the goals and objectives of this organization, which include scholarly research and the free exchange of ideas. The journal, which is circulated in 60 countries around the world, is a leader in the field of small business research. JSBM membership is for “personal” subscriptions only and for personal use.

Mission Statement:

All manuscripts should address research issues in a rigorous way using qualitative, quantitative or a combination of these techniques; however, JSBM encourages the incorporation of pragmatic advice for practitioners based on the research results.

Click here to submit a manuscript online


Dr. George Solomon, JSBM Editor-in-Chief

gsolomon1In addition to his role as Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM), Dr. Solomon also serves as Director of the GW Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence , and Chair of the Wilford White Fellows for the International Council of Small Business (ICSB). He is the Past President of the U.S. Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) and ICSB. From 1976 until 2004, Dr. Solomon held various managerial positions at the Small Business Administration (SBA), including Director of the Office of Special Initiatives and Deputy Associate Administrator for Business Initiatives Education and Training. Dr. Solomon has published and edited over 130 articles, books of readings, book chapters, reference materials, and proceedings articles in both the areas of entrepreneurship and small business management and organizational behavior and dynamics. Dr. Solomon received his Doctorate of Business Administration from The George Washington University School of Government and Business Administration, with a major in Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management and Organizational Behavior and Development. He was the first individual at that time to receive a doctorate in entrepreneurship/small business management from a major accredited school of business. He received his M.B.A. from Suffolk University, B.B.S. from Central Connecticut State University, and A.S. from Norwalk Community College.


Michael Battaglia


Michael Battaglia serves as the Operations Manager for ICSB, supporting nearly 3,000 members around the world. Michael coordinates management, knowledge sharing, and communication between ICSB’s 14 affiliates and ICSB board members. In this role, he develops the websites for several organizations and affiliates as well as the monthly ICSB Bulletin and webinar series, among many others. In addition, Michael coordinates the annual Global Entrepreneurship Research and Policy Conference and is the Business Manager of ICSB’s Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM). Together with Dr. George Solomon in June 2012, Michael gave a presentation, How to Get Published in a Top Tier Journal: Insights from the Editor of JSBM, at the 57th Annual ICSB World Conference in Wellington, New Zealand. Michael received both his B.B.A. (Marketing), and M.B.A. from GWU.

Phone:  001-202-994-0704


2013 Impact Factors


Impact Factor: 1.333

5 year Impact Factor: 2.146

Print ISSN: 0047-2778

Online ISSN: 1540-627X

Frequency: Quarterly

Editorial Statistics

No. Manuscripts Received: 661

Acceptance Rate – 6%

Total Manuscripts Received – 661

Type of Review – Double‐blind peer review

No. of External Reviewers – 150

No. of In-House Reviewers – 115

Time to Review (weeks to first decision) – 9 weeks

Desk rejection rate – 19%

Time to Publication – 16 months

Reviewer’s Comments – All authors obtain a copy of the reviewer’s comments in the decision letter

Associate Editors


Duties of an Associate Editor include receiving and reviewing original and revised manuscripts assigned by the Editor within a particular area of expertise. Associate Editors invite, assign and manage the peer review process for manuscripts in their are of expertise. AE’s also provide recommendations and issue decisions directly to authors (accept, reject, minor revision, major revision).

Alain Fayolle, Ph.D., Emlyon Business School, France

Alan Carsrud, Ph.D., Åbo Akademi University, Finland

David Smallbone, Ph.D., Kingston University, UK

Eddy Laveren, Ph.D., University of Antwerp, Belgium

Hermann Frank, Ph.D., Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

Hiroyuki Okamuro, Ph.D., Hitotsubashi University, Japan

Howard Van Auken, Ph.D., Iowa State University, USA

Joanne Larty, Ph.D., Lancaster University, UK

Kate Lewis, Ph.D., Massey University, New Zealand

Kelly Shaver, Ph.D., College of Charleston, USA

Ki-Chan Kim, Ph.D., The Catholic Unversity of Korea, South Korea

Lene Foss, Ph.D., University of Tromso, Norway

Marco Cucculelli, Ph.D., Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Italy

Mark Freel, Ph.D., University of Ottawa, Canada

Mark Schenkel, Ph.D., Belmont University, USA

Marko Grunhagen, Ph.D., Eastern Illinois University, USA

Martie-Louise Verreynne, Ph.D., The University of Queensland, Australia

Massimo G. Colombo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Norris Krueger, Ph.D., Entrepreneurship Northwest, USA

Ulla Hytti, Ph.D., University of Turku, Finland

William E. Jackson III, Ph.D., University of Alabama, USA

International Research Board (IRB)


The Internationally Based Research Board (IRB) was established by the Editor as a special committee designed to provide periodic input on journal topics, current trends in research and input on the overall quality of the journal. The IRB meets periodically to provide insight and input to the JSBM editorial office and the ICSB Senior Vice President for Publications and Research.

Ayman El Tarabishy, Ph.D., George Washington University, USA

Brian Gibson, Ph.D., University of New England, Australia

Chao-Tung Wen, Ph.D., National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Charles Matthews, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, USA

Donald F. Kuratko, Ph.D., Indiana University-Bloomington, USA

Friederike Welter, Ph.D., Jönköping International Business School, Sweden

G. Dale Meyer, University of Colorado- Boulder, USA

Geralyn McClure Franklin, Ph.D., Stephen F. Austin State University, USA

Howard Lin, Ph.D., Ryerson University, Canada

Hugo Kantis, Ph.D., Uniersidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina

J. Hanns Pichler, Ph.D., Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria

Jeffrey Cornwall, D.B.A., Belmont University, USA

Jerome Katz, Ph.D., St. Louis University, USA

Karen L.Orengo Serra Ph.D., University of Puerto Rico, PR

Niels Bosma , Ph.D.,Utrecht University , Netherlands

Patricia Greene, Ph.D.,Babson College, USA

Roy Thurik, Ph.D.,Erasmus University Gallen, Netherlands

Thierry Volery, Ph.D.,University of St-Gallen, Switzerland

Victoria Calvert, Mount Royal University, Canada


Editorial Review Board


JSBM sees the Editorial Review Board as the backbone of the journal in that it represents the people – authors, scholars and reviewers – who are directly involved in the manuscript review process. Each member of the Review Board has a specific and/or wide-ranging expertise that is critical to our success as a top-flight journal in the field.

Akin Kocak, University of Ankara, Turkey

Aldene Meismason, University of Regina, Canada

Alistair R. Anderson, Robert Gordon University, UK

Amy Davis, College of Charleston, USA

Andrea Calabrò, University of Rome Tor, Italy

Andreas Engelen, RWTH Aachen University, USA

Andreas Kuckertz, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Andreas Schwab, Iowa State University, USA

Andreu Blesa, Universitat Jaume I, Spain

Anna Watson, London College of Fashion, UK

Antonio Thomas, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy

Aroop Mukherjee, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

Art Weinstein, Nova Southeastern University, USA

Arto Ojala, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland

Arvind Ashta, Groupe ESC Dijon-Bourgogne, France

Ashraf Bany Mohammed, Middle East University for Graduate Studies, Jordan

Barbara Orser, Carleton University, Canada

Ben Agyei-Mensah, Christian Services University College, Ghana

Benson Honig, McMaster University, Canada

Bernice Kotey, University of New England, Australia

Besnik A Krasniqi, Staffordshire University, UK

Boris Blumberg, Maastricht University, Netherlands

Boris Urban, University of Wiwatersrand, WBS, South Africa

Bostjan Antoncic, University of Ljubijana, Slovenia

Brian Headd, Small Business Administration, USA

Bruno Ponson, ESCP Europe (Paris), France

Caleb Kwong, University of Essex, UK

Carin Holmquist, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden

Chi-Ya Jennifer Chang, Chinese Culture University, China

Christopher Graves, The University of Adelaide Business School, Australia

Christopher Stehr, Karlshochschule International University, Germany

Christian Felzensztein, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez, Chile

Christos Kalantaridis, University of Salford, UK

Claire Massey, Massey University, New Zealand

Claudio Dell’Era, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Colin Jones, University of Tasmania, Australia

Colm O’Gorman, University College Dublin, Ireland

Craig E. Armstrong, University of Alabama, USA

Danny Soetanto, Lancaster University Management School, UK

David A. Kirby, University of Surrey, UK

Debmalya Mukherjee, The University of Akron, USA

Diana Hechavarria, University of Cincinnati, USA

Dianne H.B. Welsh, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA

Dietmar Roessl, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

Dietmar Grichnik, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Donald O. Neubaum, University of Central Florida, USA

Donella Caspersz, University of Western Australia, Australia

Donna J. Kelley, Babson College, USA

Edward Rogoff, Baruch College, USA

Eileen Fischer, York University, Canada

Elissa B. Grossman, Loyola Marymount University, USA

Enno Masurel, Free University, Netherlands

Erno Tornikoski, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France

Franz T. Lohrke, Samford University, USA

G. Dale Meyer, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado- Boulder, USA

G. Tyge Payne, Texas Tech University, USA

Gad Vitner, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel

Garry Bruton, Texas Christian University, USA

Gavin Cassar, INSEAD, France

George Vozikis, California State University, Fresno, USA

Gerald Hills, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Gianni Romaní, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile

Hannu Littunen, University of Kuopio, Finland

Helena Forsman, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

Helle Neergaard, Aarhus School of Business, Denmark

Howard Lin, Ryerson University, Canada

Hung-bin Ding, Loyola University Maryland, USA

Ilan Alon, Rollins College, USA

Inha Oh, Seoul National University, South Korea

Isabelle Giroux, Ryerson University , Canada

J. William Petty, Baylor University, USA

Jarna Heinonen, University of Turku, Finland

Jeffrey S. Hornsby, Ball State University, USA

Jerome Katz, St. Louis University, USA

Jianwen Liao, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

Jill Kickul, Simmons College, USA

Jim Wolff, Wichita State University, USA

João José Matos Ferreira, University of Beira Interior, Portugal

Joao Leitao, University of Beira Interior, Portugal

John J. Oirya, Brigham Young University, USA

John Rice, The University of Adelaide, Australia

Jörg Freiling, University of Bremen, Germany

Joris Heuven, University of Twente, Netherlands

Joseph Roberts, Webster University, USA

Juha Kansikas, Jyvaskyla University, Finland

Jumi Kim, Korea Small Business Institute, South Korea

Karen Wang, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Katerina Nicolopoulou, Strathclyde Business School, UK

Kelly Burke, University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA

Kevin F Mole, University of Warwick, UK

Kilian Bizer, University of Göttingen, Germany

Kim Klyver, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Kolawole Olugbenga Oladele, Nigerian Defence Academy of Economics and Management Sciences, Nigeria

Leon Schjoedt, University of Central Florida, USA

Linda Edelman, Bentley College, USA

Linda Kidwell, University of Wyoming, USA

Lisa K. Gundry, DePaul University, USA

Lloyd W Fernald, Jr, University of Central Florida, USA

Luca Iandoli, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Luca Grilli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Lowell Busenitz, University of Oklahoma, USA

M.J. Brand, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Maggie Y.N. Hu, National United University, Taiwan

Malin Brannback, Abo Akademi University, Finland

Manoj Joshi, Amity Business School, Lucknow, India

Margaret Dalziel, University of Ottawa, Canada

Maribel Guerrero, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Matt Marvel, West Virginia University, USA

Matthew W. Rutherford, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Matthias Raith, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany

Michael Abebe, The University of Texas-Pan American, USA

Michael T.S. Lee, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan

Michael Luthy, Bellarmine University, USA

Michael Morris, Oklahoma State University, USA

Michael Schaper, Small Business Commission of the Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Michael Stoica, Washburn University, USA

Mikael Geraudel, GSCM – Montpellier Business School, France

Mike Simpson, University of Sheffield, UK

Mirela Xheneti, Kingston University, UK

Miri Yemini, Shamoon College of Engineering Science, Israel

Nancy J. Miller, University of Nebraska, USA

Naomi Birdthistle, University of Limerick, Ireland

Nikolaos P Daskalakis, Athens University of Economicsand Business, Greece

Nick Theodorakopoulos, Aston Business School, UK

Nobuya Fukugawa, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan

Nuria Toledano, University of Huelva (Spain) and Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)

Óscar Gonzalez-Benito, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Oyvin Kyvik, ESCI (Escuela Superior de Comercio International) – Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Pacha Malyadri, Osmania University, India

Pasi Malinen, Turku School of Economics, Finland

Paul Breman, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands and Henley Business School, UK

Pat Dickson, Wake Forest University, USA

Peter B. Kibas, Kabarak University, Kenya

Peter Bryant, IE Business School, Spain

Peter H. Antoniou, Mount St. Mary’s College, USA

Pramodita Sharma, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada

Pradeep Pendse, Welingkar Institute of Management, India

Ramaswamy Ganesan, Indian Institutes of Technology, Delhi, India

Rebecca J. White, Tampa Bay University, USA

Reginald Litz, University of Manitoba, Canada

Renaud Redien-Collot, Paris Sorbonne & ADVANCIA, France

Richard Becherer, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA

Richard Flight, Eastern Illinois University, USA

Richard Tunstall, University of Leeds, UK

Rodrigo Varela, Universidad Icesi, Colombia

Rita Gertrud Klapper, Rouen Business School, France

Robert S. D’Intino, Rowan University, USA

Robert Smith, The Robert Gordon University Aberdeen, UK

Roland Kidwell, University of Wyoming, USA

Ronald Savitt, Savitt Associates, USA

Sanjib Chowdhury, Eastern Michigan University, USA

Sarfraz Mian, State University of New York at Oswego, USA

Saskia de Klerk, North-West University, South Africa

Scott Newbert, Villanova University, USA

Semra Feriha Ascigil, Middle East Technical Unical University, Turkey

Seppo Leminen, Aalto-University School of Economics, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Sergio Postigo, Universaidad de San Andrés – Argentina

Shaker Zahra, University of Minnesota, USA

Shawn M. Carraher,Cameron University, USA

Sibylle Heilbrunn, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel

Simon Philip, David Best Management consultancy in India, Vietnam and Australia

Stan Mandel, Wake Forest University, USA

Stefano Gatti, Università Bocconi, Italy

Stephen Teo, Curtin University, Australia

Steven C. Michael, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Stuart Locke, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

Susie Pryor, California State University San Bernardino, USA

Susanna Khavul, University of Texas at Arlington, USA

Sylvie Laforet, University of Huddersfield, UK

Ted Fuller, Lincoln University, U.K.

Terrence E. Brown, Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship, Sweden

Thomas Cooney, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland

Thomas Dalziel, University of Cincinnati, USA

Tim Mazzarol, University of Western Australia, Australia

Timothy M. Stearns, California State University, Fresno, USA

Vartuhi Tonoyan, Stanford University, USA; University of Mannheim, Germany

Wai-sum Siu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Wee Liang Tan, Singapore Management University, Singapore

William B. Gartner, Clemson University, USA

William J. Dennis, National Federation of Independent Business, USA

Wim A. Naude, North-West University, South Africa

Zelimir William Todorovic, Indiana University – Purdue University, Fort Wayne, USA