European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Engaged entrepreneurship research in Europe

The guest editors of the Special Issue titled “How do entrepreneurs influence their social environment? New Psychological Perspectives” in Applied Psychology: International Review (APIR) will be hosting an ECSB professional development workshop dedicated to the idea development for this special issue. During this webinar, we will present the special issue topic and offer general guidance on publishing in an applied psychology journal. In addition, authors who consider to contribute to the special issue are invited to present and discuss their own proposals. The purpose of the webinar is to give authors an opportunity to develop and refine their ideas before submitting their work. The workshop aims to help prospective authors to create a conversation around the topic and to help them develop their contribution to this conversation. Participation in the workshop does not guarantee acceptance of the paper in APIR, nor is attendance in the workshop a prerequisite for submission of the manuscript for the special issue. 


The webinar will take place on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 15:00 – 16:30 CET. It will start with a welcome and presentation by the lead guest editor Dr. Marjan Gorgievski, who will give general information about publishing in APIR and specific information about the topic of how entrepreneurs influence their social environment. The presentation will be followed by interactive exercises and discussions that help authors craft their proposed manuscripts towards submission. All authors submitting an abstract will be welcome to attend the interactive sessions.

Submission requirements: Please submit a structured abstract of your proposed manuscript until January 14, 2022, 17:00 CET to The maximum word count for the abstract is 900 words. The abstract should contain the following sections: 1) Introduction/ purpose; 2) theory; 3) Design/ methodology/ approach; 3) Findings; 4) Originality; 5) theoretical and practical implications. In preparing your proposal submission, please read the call for papers for a clear understanding of the special issue scope and aim.

Registration for the event: Registered participants will receive a Zoom to join the event link in advance.


If you have any questions, please send an email to, or contact any of the guest editors: