European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Engaged entrepreneurship research in Europe

ECSB is offering to its members a Professional Development Workshop on 20 October 2021 at 14:00-16:00 CEST that aims to introduce entrepreneurship researchers to Adaptive Choice-based Conjoint Analysis research method in an easy and intuitive way, using the leading software in the field i.e. Sawtooth Software Lighthouse Studio.

This is intended to be an entry level workshop without any prior knowledge required. The workshop aims to show how the method primarily used in Marketing can be successfully implemented in other social sciences – particularly in Entrepreneurship. The workshop might be of an interest to researchers dealing with the concept of: “utility” e.g. utility maximising models, modelling utility function; or any studies involving “choice” e.g. policy choice or career choice. Although this is a quantitative method, it might also be interesting for researchers using qualitative methods as an enrichment of their qualitative study, as it is possible to model the utility function even for a single respondent using the method.

The workshop will:

  1. Deliver all necessary knowledge and theory needed to design a conceptual model and a study.
  2. Support the design of participants’ own conceptual model relevant to their own field of expertise.
  3. Guide participants through the whole process of implementing the conceptual model into the software on the general example created beforehand.
  4. Explain how the data analysis can be conducted using previously collected data.

All participants will receive animated tutorial notes and a trial license of the software in order to practice on their own laptop after the workshop from the comfort of their home.

Organiser bio

Jakub Golik is an early stage researcher currently finalizing his PhD dissertation in Economics at Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland. He works as a Research & Teaching Assistant at the Department of Entrepreneurship. In his PhD research and scientific grant, Jakub uses Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis in order to examine career choice problem defined as a selection between becoming an entrepreneur or being an employee. Recently Jakub has completed a three-month long scientific internship at the University of Seville under the supervision of prof. Francisco Liñán. Jakub’s main scientific interests are Utility-maximizing Models in Economy and applications of Game Theory in Economics.


Participation in the PDW is free for ECSB members. If you are not a member, please become a member on Your membership status will be checked before granting access to the event.