The 2019 Conference Main Theme is :
“Embracing uncertainty: entrepreneurship as a key capability for the 21st century”
Conference Chairpersons:
René Mauer, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation & Yi Jiang, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship (Jean-Baptiste Say Institute for Entrepreneurship, ESCP Europe, Berlin, Germany) Entrepreneurship offers unique insights for engaging with uncertainty. In entrepreneurship and innovation practice, we are now facing the constant beating of the digital transformation drum, while in entrepreneurship research more and more contributions are putting an emphasis on uncertainty. Several entrepreneurial approaches (e.g. effectuation, bricolage, improvisation, impulsive behavior) have recently been identified as ground-breaking models of our field, coupled with different tools (e.g. business modeling, lean startup, design thinking) and various empirical contexts (e.g. high-growth, sustainable, or newcomer entrepreneurship). Join us for RENT 2019 at ESCP Europe Berlin in advancing the field of entrepreneurship by discussing and challenging uncertainty as a cornerstone of a proprietary entrepreneurship theory.
RENT conference
Overview of our ECSB pre-conference activities
ECSB Doctoral Workshop ECSB Post-Doctoral Paper Development Workshop ECSB Mid-Career Faculty Consortium Professional Development Workshop