European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Engaged entrepreneurship research in Europe

ECSB Resources

ECSB offers its members a variety of benefits, including publications, specific offers for early career researchers and doctoral students as well as access to policy-related information.

Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship  Research

A collection of best papers from the annual RENT Conference are to be found in the ECSB Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research.

All ECSB members are entitled to 35% discount on Frontiers in Euopean Entrepreneurship Research as well as all other entrepreneurship books published by Edward Elgar.

Anthology V
The book was edited by Professor David Smallbone, Kingston University, UK & Doctor João Leitão, University of Beira Interior, Portugal & Professor Mário Raposo, University of Beira Interior, Portugal & Professor Friederike Welter, Jönköping International Business School
> See more information on book
> See table of content

The book was edited by Professor David Smallbone, Kingston University, UK & Professor Hans Landström, Lund University, Sweden & Professor Dylan Jones-Evans, University of Wales
> See more information on book
> See table of content

The book was edited by Professor Hans Landström, Lund University, Sweden &Professor Hans Crijns, Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, Belgium &Professor Eddy Laveren, University of Antwerp, Belgium & Professor David Smallbone, Kingston University, UK
> See more information on book
> See table of content

The book was edited by Associate Professor Luca Iandoli, University of Naples Federico II, Italy & Professor Hans Landström, Lund University, Sweden &Professor Mario Raffa, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
>See more information on book
>See table of content

The book was edited by Professor Poul Rind Christensen, University of Aarhus, Denmark & Professor Flemming Poulfelt, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
>See more information on book
>See table of content


he annual Inter-RENT promotes the progression of selected RENT conference papers, in particular of younger researchers, into published articles, as well as developing the depth and understanding of a new topic each year.

The 8th Inter-RENT Online Publication “QUALITATIVE APPROACHES IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESEARCH” was launched at the RENT XXV Anniversary Conference in Bodø on November 2011. The editor of the publication is Ulla Hytti.
> Inter-RENT 2011 (PDF)

The 7th Inter-RENT Online Publication “CURRENT RESEARCH ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMEMANAGEMENT” was again launched at the RENT Conference, wich was held in Maastricht on November 2010. The publication was edited by Matthias Fink and Isabella Hatak.
> Inter-RENT 2010 (PDF)

The 6th Inter-RENT Online Publication “FROM THE UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENT TO ACADEMIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP” was officially launched at the RENT XXIII Conference in Budapest on November, 2009. The publication was edited by Tõnis Mets.
Inter-RENT 2009 (PDF)

The 5th Inter-RENT Online Publication “TECHNOLOGY-DRIVEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP: HOW TECHNOLOGY SHAPES THE WAY ENTREPRENEURS START AND RUN THEIR BUSINESSES” was officially launched at the RENT XXII Conference in Covilhã on November, 2008. The publication was edited by Luca Iandoli.
Inter-RENT 2008 (PDF)

The 4th Inter-RENT Online Publication “ENTREPRENEURSHIP: LEARNING AND NETWORKING” was officially launched at the RENT XXI Conference in Cardiff on November, 2007. The publication was edited by Olivier Torres.

> Inter-RENT 2007 (PDF)

The 3rd Inter-RENT Online Publication “DIVERSITY IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP” was officially launched at the RENT XX Conference in Brussels on November, 2006. The publication was edited by David Urbano.
> Inter-RENT 2006 (PDF)

The 2nd Inter-RENT Online Publication “CHALLENGES IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SME RESEARCH ” was officially launched at the RENT XIX Conference in Naples on November, 2005. The publication was edited by Friederike Welter.
Inter-RENT 2005 (PDF)

The 1st Inter-RENT Online Publication “NEW PERSPECTIVES ON FIRM GROWTH” was officially launched at the RENT XVIII Conference in Copenhagen on November, 2004. The publication was edited by by Thomas M. Cooney and Pasi Malinen.
Inter-RENT 2004 (PDF)


ECSB, together with the Research Strategy Unit (Faculty of Business) at the Dublin Institute of Technology, provides its members access to European Entrepreneurship Cases as well as material on how to develop and teach with cases.

Case Study Competititions

For some years, ECSB has been involved with case studies. Case study competitions are open exclusively to members of ECSB and ICSB, and have been sponsored by the Research Strategy Unit (Faculty of Business) at theDublin Institute of Technology (DIT).

For further information on the competitions, please contact Dr Thomas Cooney at

The prizes for the competition are:
1st prize €2,500
prize €1,500
3rd prize €500

Case Study Workshops

Dr. Thomas Cooney teaches with cases. He has run special case study workshops at various RENT Conferences on how to teach cases and how to write cases. See the Case Study Workshop materials:

Teaching Cases Workshop 2008 (PDF)
Writing Cases Workshop 2008 (PDF)

Case Study Book

A book European Cases in Entrepreneurship, edited by Thomas M. Cooney and Rickie A. Moore can be ordered through Amazon ( Customers can also buy the book online direct from the editors and pay via PayPal:

NOTE! Teaching notes for the book are shortly available to ECSB members in the members’ area.

ECSB Web Links

International Council for Small Business (ICSB)

ICSB serves as an umbrella organization that integrates the activities of diverse organizations and professionals who deal directly with small business. It creates and distributes new information on small business management and entrepreneurial development. Ideas drawn from government, education, and commerce are provided to the small business community through the efforts of Council members.

The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)

EIASM is an International Network for Management Research and Teaching that contains over 23,000 Management Scientists from all over the World. On their website You will find information about the European Institute and its activities, about its Academic Council (the body of Institutional Members), about the people involved, about the European Associations and the projects administered by EIASM, and about other events and subjects relevant to Management Researchers.

The European Entrepreneurship Case Study Resource Centre (EECSRC)

The European Entrepreneurship Case Study Resource Centre (EECSRC) was established as part of a European Commission Call for Proposals entitled ‘Entrepreneurial Culture of Young People, and Entrepreneurship Education’ (ENT/CIP/09/E/N02S001). A number of reports produced by the European Commission had identified entrepreneurship education as a critical element for achieving economic growth and creating employment. The European Commission’s commitment to entrepreneurship education is reflected throughout the EECSRC website.

European Association for Development Agencies (EURADA)

EURADA, the association of regional development agencies is a non profit-making organisation aiming to promote regional economic development through dialogue with the European Commission services, interchange of good practice among members, transnational co-operation among members, regional development agencies as a concept. EURADA gathers around 150 development agencies from 25 countries of both the European Union and Central and Eastern Europe.

European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (UEAPME)

UEAPME is the employer’s organisation representing the interests, at European level, of crafts, trades and SMEs in the European Union and countries applying for accession to the European Union. It is a non-profit seeking and non-partisan. Its 75 member organisations (as of December 2002) consist of national cross-sectorial federations, European branch federations and other associate members which support the SME family.

Institutet för Entreprenörskaps- och små företagsforskning (ESBRI)

ESBRI is an independent research institute located in Stockholm, Sweden. ESBRI is co-operating with the School of Business at Stockholm University, where a professorship in entrepreneurship and small business has been established – Leif Lundblad Chair in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Studies. This is the first chair in entrepreneurship in Sweden created through an endowment from an entrepreneur. The objectives of ESBRI are to conduct research on entrepreneurship and small and medium sized enterprises; initiate and develop undergraduate and graduate education/training and actively participate in the public debate and the dissemination of research results to both the research community and to the public.

Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research (FSF)

FSF started operations in 1994. It’s objective is to serve as a bridge between Swedish small business research community and all parties active in development of new and small enterprises. The most important tasks are: to initiate and disseminate research relevant to policy in the fields of entrepreneurship and small enterprise; to offer small business researchers a forum for idea sharing; to build national and international networks in the field; to bridge the gap between research and practical application in the small business sector. Research is conducted in program form, either within the organization and/or in association with various universities and colleges throughout Sweden.

International Master in Entrepreneurship Education and Training (IMEET)

The International Master in Entrepreneurship Education and Traning (IMEET) is a new two year, part-time program and starts on the 1st of October, 2007. The aim of IMEET is to develop participants’ capabilities for entrepreneurship teaching and learning facilitation. IMEET is developed and facilitated by The International Danish Entrepreneurship Academy (IDEA). The IDEA master is hosted by Aarhus School of Business in partnership with some of the best institutions in the field of entrepreneurship: Kingston Business School, Rostock University, University of Tampere, Copenhagen Business School, The Danish University of Education, University of Southern Denmark.

European Doctoral Programme in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (EDP)

The European Doctoral Programme in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management was initiated within the European Council for Small Business by a group of fourteen universities leaded by Professor Dr. Josep M. Veciana. The program is a member of the European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration. For further information, please contact the coordinator, Dr. Christian Serarols (christian.serarols a

www.edpalumni.uab is a forum for analysis of the different features and cultures of enterprise education and training in Europe. contains a classification of the theories and practices in a state-of-art matrix and provides a frame-of-reference for new development in the field of enterprise education and training.

EIM’s Public Knowledge Web on SMEs and Entrepreneurship

The website aims at the international research community in the field of SMEs and entrepreneurship, but is also of interest to policymakers in this domain. It contains PDF-versions of more than 100 English-language EIM reports (also available in print) and SCALES papers (electronic working papers). The website is part of EIM’s public Research Program on SMEs and Entrepreneurship, which is financed by the Dutch government (Department of Economic Affairs).

Information Centre for Entrepreneurship (ICE)

ICE is a research library with a focus on entrepreneurship and related areas. ICE is part of Jönköping University Library in Sweden. ICE has an entrepreneurship collection that contains more than 24,000 volumes in 15 languages. ICE website gives access to the library catalogue, a large article database, journals in electronic form and approximately 1,000 links.


News from Enterprise Directorate-General

The Enterprise Europe Newsletter is published quarterly in 11 languages and delivered by post free-of-charge anywhere in the world. Enterprise Europe News Updates are a free e-mail alert service, bringing you the latest news from the Enterprise Directorate-General. To receive news and updates by e-mail, or the Newsletter by post or to read them, please visit


New Economics Papers – Entrepreneurship (NEP-ENT)

NEP-ENT is part of the New Economics Papers Project. Reports include particularly new Working Papers with abstracts and direct download weblinks. Keywords that are used as filters for NEP-ENT: Entrepreneurship; Self-employment; Small Business; SMEs; Spin-off; Start-up; Gazelle. In association with Entrepreneurship: Occupational Choice; Entry and exit; Firm Demography; Industrial Organisation; Innovation; Markets; Venture Capital; Institutions; Rent-seeking; Economic Growth; Economic Development; Territorial Development; Public Policy.



Members are invited to make suggestions for useful links to ECSB. Please, e-mail ECSB webmaster (