European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Engaged entrepreneurship research in Europe

The 3rd DREAMT-CYFE Entrepreneurship Doctoral Workshop is an opportunity for advanced PhD students and young scholars to present their research and discuss it with colleagues and academics from international and Italian universities. In addition to facilitating intellectual exchange, this program supports the development of a global network of young researchers interested in entrepreneurship, innovation, international entrepreneurship and family business. Participants will obtain insights on the writing of publishable journal papers, selection of research methods, as well as feedback on their own research ideas.

Workshop conveners:

Tommaso Minola, University of Bergamo
Stefano Denicolai, University of Pavia
Antonella Zucchella, University of Pavia


Keynote speakers:

Howard Aldrich, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA

Massimo Colombo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Simon Down, Anglia Ruskin University, UK

Leif Melin, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden


See the full programme