ECSB are inviting submissions of original teaching cases that advance the field of entrepreneurship and small business. Cases must not have been previously published or submitted for review to a conference, book or journal.
Case study material will be disseminated through ECSB website to ECSB members. A selection of the best cases will be published in an edited book of entrepreneurship case studies. Cases selected for the book will need to include a teaching note.
1st prize – ECSB membership for one year, ECSB Best Case Award Certificate, opportunity to publish in Book of Selected Cases.
2nd prize – ECSB Best Case Nominee Certificate, opportunity to publish in Book of Selected Cases.
3rd prize – ECSB Best Case Nominee Certificate, opportunity to publish in Book of Selected Cases.
Case Topics
Potential case topics include, but are not limited to:
- Opportunity Recognition
- Writing a Business Plan
- Business Model
- Building an Entrepreneurial Team
- Funding the Business
- Growing the Business
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing in Small Businesses and Entrepreneurial Ventures
- Developing Your Management Team
- International Entrepreneurship
- Environment
- Exit Strategy
- Ethics
- Motivation
- Financial Management
- Corporate Entrepreneurship
- The Launch and Development of Social Enterprises
- Technology Entrepreneurship
- Rural Entrepreneurship
- Gender
- Mundane Entrepreneurship
A case can address issues within a firm, regardless of its size or industry if the core issue is entrepreneurial in nature. Cases can concern specific function within the firm or the operations overall. Cases may consider both the central business issue and the context.
Participation in the call requires a submission of case study to indicating in the subject line “Entrepreneurship Case Studies” by 31 March 2017. Please see more information and the detailed submission guidelines HERE.