We believe that in the current difficult circumstances for academia with even more challenges for teaching practice, we should support our members in their ideas on how to conduct innovative entrepreneurship education. Therefore, we are happy to announce that ECSB in cooperation with Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy (EE&P) journal is launching a new competition for the best learning innovation: ECSB-BLI, intended for ECSB Members only.
We invite our members to take part in the ECSB-BLI competition by filling in the form and submitting it to ECSB Secretariat (info@ecsb.org). The deadline for the first edition of the competition is the 31 March 2021. Each member is entitled to submit one learning innovation per edition of the competition.
The ECSB Board will select the winner in the spring. The winner will be invited to submit a final paper to EE&P following the publications guidelines of EE&P. In preparation for the submission, ECSB will provide developmental feedback on the manuscript and offer a fast track to the USASBE’s peer reviewed journal – Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. First round reviews will be returned within two to three weeks from the submission. We encourage all ECSB members to participate in the competition and share best teaching practices worldwide.