Case Studies
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The European Entrepreneurship Case Study Resource Centre (EECSRC) was established as part of a European Commission Call for Proposals entitled ‘Entrepreneurial Culture of Young People, and Entrepreneurship Education’ (ENT/CIP/09/E/N02S001). A number of reports produced by the European Commission had identified entrepreneurship education as a critical element for achieving economic growth and creating employment. The European Commission’s commitment to entrepreneurship education is reflected throughout this website, and it is the objective of this Resource Centre to support and encourage entrepreneurship education by:
- Facilitating a more practical-orientated approach to the teaching of entrepreneurship across European universities, that will:
- Support university entrepreneurship courses aiming to equip students with the requisite analytical skills for practical entrepreneurial action;
- Provide students with the opportunity to simulate entrepreneurial actions and entrepreneurial decision making;
- Connect students with the real world of business and entrepreneurial activity by showing them ‘how to learn’ as opposed to telling students what ‘what to learn’.
- Contributing to the creation of a common European platform for university entrepreneurship education.
- Highlighting to third level students the relevance of entrepreneurship to contemporary European society and economy, and encouraging them to consider the role that entrepreneurial activity, and an entrepreneurial mindset, will play in their own contribution to European society and economy.
Entrepreneurship is, to a large extent, a ‘learning by doing’ subject, meaning that the practical aspects of learning from others, and what they have done before, is crucial. The use of European case studies is critically important in entrepreneurial education, as they enable students to identify with local role models and with local challenges. Cases studies are an important teaching tool in entrepreneurial education, as they provide a greater emphasis on experiential and action learning.
Using active learning methods, such as case studies, is often more complex than traditional teaching methods. As a result, this European Entrepreneurial Case Study Resource Centre was developed to encourage and foster this approach to teaching by providing entrepreneurial case studies and resources to third level education facilitators throughout Europe, and by promoting the European Student Enterprise Competition.
The content was developed as part of an EU Funded CIP program.