Theme: Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Society – Transforming Our World Together
Please join the world’s leading scholars, educators, policy makers, and practitioners for the 61st annual ICSB World Conference, June 15-18, 2016. The conference is scheduled to begin on Wednesday evening, June 15, 2016, and end on Saturday afternoon, June 18, 2016. Pre-conference activities include the ICSB Academy (June 13-15), the ICSB Doctoral Consortium (June 15) and the ICSB Policy Forum (June 15).
The focus of this conference is on the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in advancing the sustainable development goals of a society. Today, more than ever, the role of small and medium enterprises are transforming from just making profit to becoming leaders in their community. They are aligning their core business, as well as philanthropy, advocacy and partnerships, to support society in ways to solve social issues.
Key Dates
March 1, 2016 – Online Submission Deadline
April 1, 2016 – Deadline for Notification of Acceptance
May 1, 2016 – Deadline for Early Registration
May 15, 2016 – Deadline to For Hotel Bookings at Conference Group Rate
June 12-15, 2016 – ICSB 2016 Pre-Conference
June 15-18, 2016 – ICSB 2016 Main Conference