European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Engaged entrepreneurship research in Europe

Due to the uncertainty around Covid19 in Europe in terms of travel and event restrictions this September, 3E Conference has been postponed until next year. The new dates are 5-7 May 2021 for 3E in Trondheim, Norway.

Instead of the 3E physical conference, the local organisers at Engage together with the ECSB will launch a series of online events – EE Explore – to explore new, interactive formats online and experimenting with new, online tools. The more concrete plans are being developed but we envision interactive online PDWs, pitches and fireside chats on entrepreneurship education topics, paper development workshops, demonstrations of teaching exercises, to name a few. The events will be free for ECSB members, thus now it is a good time to become an ECSB member!

You can join ECSB HERE.

The first event will be organized around this year’s conference theme “Developing entrepreneurial mindsets through education” and will take place in week 39 (end September). Here, authors with relevant accepted abstracts for 3E 2020 will be invited to discuss their ideas in a dialogue with leading scholars in the field. We invite the 3E community to make contact with any ideas about topics or formats for EE Explore, and to nominate themselves to contribute. If you have an idea that you would like to see and are interested in developing, please send an email to and to

Further, the special issue ‘Students creating Ventures in Higher Education: Nascent Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship Students’ connected to 3E 2020 is proceeding as planned. The submission deadline to International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research is September 30th. Engage is organizing an online/blended paper development workshop in the end of week 37 for those of you who intend to submit a manuscript to the special issue. During the workshop, the participants will collaborate in developing draft manuscripts further. In order to participate in the workshop, you should submit a manuscript draft (at least an extended abstract) within the scope of the special issue by the 1st of July to More information will follow upon acceptance. You are welcome to use your 3E paper but new papers are also welcome. Participation in the workshop does not guarantee an acceptance to the special issue. More information about the special issue:

The abstract submission process for 3E 2021 will be opened later this year. All the abstracts will be reviewed again and no paper acceptances can be transferred from 2020 into 2021.

ECSB and Engage – the host of the 3E 2021 – look forward to seeing many of you in our online events this year and look forward to your abstract submissions for the 3E in 2021!