European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Engaged entrepreneurship research in Europe

The 3E Conference 2021 will be either online, hybrid or physical in Trondheim, Norway depending on the situation on 5-7 May 2021.  

Conference theme: Entrepreneurship education in the 2020ies

Over the years, entrepreneurship education has developed many tools, learning activities, extra-curricular activities and assessment methodologies in order to educate entrepreneurs and provide an entrepreneurial flair to other disciplines. Entrepreneurship education is often action-based or at least experiential where students engage with actors in the ecosystem. In the spring of 2020, entrepreneurship education had to move online. What does the ‘new’ entrepreneurship education look like? What new teaching practices where created? What gaps in entrepreneurship literature did we discover and what advances did we make? What core theories became relevant? What research methods enabled us to capture the new reality? What developments will we continue with after the pandemic and what will be the new normal in entrepreneurship education?    

This year there are two calls, one for research papers and one for practitioner development workshops – PDWs .

See the Call for papers for more information.

Abstract submission deadline is 1 December

Visit the 3E website for more information.